Hi, I'm Shree 🇳🇵

With 5+ years of Software Development and 3 and half + years of experience as a DevOps engineer. Have a strong background in programming and proficient with various frameworks and architectures & a proven track record of developing and maintaining software applications and delivering high-quality software solutions.

Reach out to me

My Skills

  • Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, C++
  • Other Languages: Java, .NET, Swing
  • Frameworks and Libraries: Express, Astro, Laravel, React, Wordpress, IonicJS, CapacitorJS, Socket.IO
  • CSS Frameworks: Tailwind, Shadcn, Bootstrap
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB Standalone, MongoDB Replica, Redis, SQLite, MariaDB
  • Devops Techs & Tools: CI/CD Pipeline, Github Actions, Docker, Docker Compose, Nginx, Apache, Portainer, Cpanel, VPS Management, Cloudflare, DNS configurations, Tunelling, Private VPN, Twingate, Tailscale, Ngrok, Traffic Tracking and Analysis, Uptime Kuma, Uptime Robot, AWS SES, Render.com
  • Analytics Tools: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Cloudflare Analytics. umami
  • Cloud Platforms: AWS, Google Cloud, Linode, Digital Ocean LambdaLabs, Contabo
  • App Publishing: App Store, Play Store, Microsoft Store
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub, GitLab
  • Payment Integrations: Stripe, Paypal, eSewa, Khalti, Fonepay
  • Pattern and Architecture: MVC, Microservice, Client-Server
  • Firebase Tools: Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage
  • Developement Methodology: Agile, Waterfall, Incremental
  • Development Principles: SOLID, DRY
  • Diagrams: Use Case Diagram, C4 Diagram, ER - model, CPM Diagram, DFD, Decision Tree, Decision Table

My Experience

  • Team Manager [Full Time], Velorona LLC, (May 2023 - now)
  • Sr. Backend Developer, [Full Time], Velorona LLC, (Mar 2023 - now)
  • Software Developer, [Part Time], Freelance, (2019 - now)
  • Sr. Software Engineer, [Part Time], Dev Durbar, (2021 - now)
  • Software Quality Assurance Analyst, [Part Time], Dev Durbar, (2021 - now)
  • DevOps Engineer, [Full Time], The Wadi Tribe FZ LLC, (2021 - 2023)


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